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Dear Readers;

Trying to describe a new product is a challenge. As some of you may know, we changed our name to VANTAGE QUEST. I want to make responsible claims about what you can expect when you use it based on my research. I also want to share my genuine excitement about VQ without sounding like an "infomercial." I know it leads to deep, powerful experiences that offer tremendous potential for personal growth and a variety of applications. I also know those experiences are as individual as you are which is why its so difficult to list its effects. I have tried to detail the kinds of events users have encountered in these pages, but I don't want to "pre-program" your experiences. Thus, our name Vantage Quest is used below to metaphorically suggest the adventure you are about to "sync" your mind into.

VANTAGE -- A state we all desire where favorable conditions render well being, success, and ecstatic encounter. Finding vantage in ourselves is the heart of creativity, healing, and personal growth. Like mountain top experiences they offer unequaled reward coupled with a peerless quest.

QUEST -- A sustained adventure, an ardent search for something of great value. It tenders a gift so grand we sacrifice, struggle, and strive for its reward. The passage to that reward however, as with the heroes of ancient myths, often comes with trials and fears to be met and overcome. Such is the path of creativity, healing, and personal growth.

VANTAGE QUEST -- A doorway inward to find outward solutions. It is receiving to give. It helps you more consciously participate in a journey you have already begun. Vantage Quest is not New Age music, problem solving techniques, affirmations, or self-hypnosis. Vantage Quest is a unique sound that thunders quietly in your mind. It quickly induces a deep mental calm -- often experienced only after years of meditative practice -- and summons harmonic response from the mind-body's subtle energies through a process called entrainment, or the brain's tendency to synchronize it's neural firings with rhythmic auditory stimulation. Vantage Quest holds within its resonance both the challenges of new adventure, and the promise of ecstatic encounters. Know that the fears, the trials, and the rewards that follow, all come from within you. Know that in you rests the power to transcend them and accept your birthright as a whole, healthy, creative being. Know that your values guide you on your way.

Vantage Quest is a tool. It is not a set of answers. It will help you find the questions, and open to answers that well up within you. Vantage Quest is a vessel that transports you. It is not the map. Vantage Quest is a companion on your treasure hunt. You are the treasure. Your journey is required though easily delayed. Your endowment is assured though easily denied. Your prize is as precious as the Holy Grail though easily overlooked. Yours is the vision quest, the task and the discipline to Quest for a new Vantage point. The gift is as precious as you are, and you are ever worth the investment.

Creating is an act of sharing, of receiving inspiration to give again to the world. Vantage Quest is what I have to share with you. As its developer and researcher I've heard from hundreds of users who benefit in ways even I never imagined. It works! I want to give you an effective tool you can afford and use.

I know it's easy to remain skeptical for: "What if it doesn't work?"
But I ask you: "What if it does?"

Thanks for your interest,
Carlisle Bergquist

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Vantage Quest,  901 W. South St. Salina KS, 67401 Tel: 785-827-1835
Website by Vantage Quest Design